- 狗
He keeps a
dog to guard the house.
- 雄狗;(狐,狼等的)雄獸
- 【口】傢伙
He is a lucky
- 【口】無賴,流氓
- 【美】【俚】失敗;失望
- 【美】【俚】蹩腳貨;醜女人
- 成本高於利潤的產品
- (災難等)纏住
dogged the football team all season.
- 尾隨,跟蹤
The police
dogged the suspected thief.
- 極度地,非常
die like a dog
- 悲慘地死去
He was kept in prison for weeks without food and
died like a dog.
Every dog has its day.
- 凡人皆有得意日。
Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
- 人言可畏。
He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.
- 欲加之罪,何患無辭。
Let sleeping dogs lie.
- 莫惹是非。
Love me, love my dog.
- 愛屋及烏。
not (even) have/stand a dog's chance
- 沒有機會;不可能
They do
not have a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend them any money.
- a domesticated carnivorous mammal probably descended from the wolf, with a barking or howling voice, an acute sense of smell, and non-retractile claws.
[Canis familiaris.]
▸a wild animal resembling this, in particular any member of the dog family (Canidae), which includes the wolf, fox, coyote, jackal, and other species.
▸the male of such an animal.
(the dogs)
Brit. informal greyhound racing.
- informal a contemptible man.
dated a person of a specified kind:
you lucky dog!
▸informal, chiefly N. Amer. a thing of poor quality; a failure.
(usu. in phr. turn dog on)
Austral./NZ informal an informer or traitor.
- informal, derogatory an unattractive woman.
- used in names of dogfishes, e.g. spur-dog.
- a mechanical device for gripping.
N. Amer. informal feet.
(dogs, dogging, dogged)
- follow closely and persistently.
- (of a problem) cause continual trouble for.
(dog it)
informal, chiefly N. Amer. act lazily.
- grip with a mechanical device.
- dog-and-pony show
N. Amer. informal an elaborate and ostentatious presentation or event. - dog eat dog
used to refer to a ruthlessly competitive situation. - a dog in the manger
a person who prevents others from having things that they do not need themselves.
[alluding to the fable of the dog that lay in a manger to prevent the ox and horse from eating the hay.]
- a dog's age
N. Amer. informal a very long time. - a dog's dinner
(or breakfast)
Brit. informal a mess. - a dog's life
an unhappy and oppressed existence. - go to the dogs
informal deteriorate badly. - not a dog's chance
no chance at all. - put on the dog
N. Amer. informal behave in a pretentious or ostentatious way.
- dogdom n.
- doggish adj.
- doglike adj.
OE docga, of unknown origin.