(swears, swearing; past swore; past part. sworn)
- state or promise solemnly or on oath.
(swear someone in)
admit someone to a position or office by directing them to take a formal oath.
▸compel to observe a certain course of action:
I am sworn to secrecy.
(swear to)
give an assurance that something is the case.
(swear off)
informal promise to abstain from.
(swear by)
informal have or express great confidence in.
(swear something out)
US Law obtain the issue of a warrant for arrest by making a charge on oath.
- use offensive language, especially to express anger.
- swear blind
(or N. Amer. swear up and down)
informal affirm something emphatically.
OE swerian of Gmc origin; rel. to answer.