(abbrev.: lb)
a unit of weight equal to 16 oz avoirdupois (0.4536 kg), or 12 oz troy (0.3732 kg).
(also pound sterling)
(pl. pounds sterling)
the basic monetary unit of the UK, equal to 100 pence. ▸another term for punt4.
▸the basic monetary unit of several Middle Eastern countries, equal to 100 piastres.
▸the basic monetary unit of Cyprus, equal to 100 cents.
▸a monetary unit of the Sudan, equal to one tenth of a dinar.
- one's pound of flesh
something to which one is strictly entitled, but which it is ruthless or inhuman to demand.
[with allusion to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.]
OE pund, of Gmc origin, from L. (libra) pondo, denoting a Roman ‘pound weight’ of 12 ounces.