a carnivorous mammal which is the largest member of the dog family, living and hunting in packs.
[Canis lupus.]
▸used in names of similar or related mammals, e.g. Tasmanian wolf.
a rapacious or ferocious person.
▸informal a man who habitually seduces women.
an out-of-tune effect produced when playing particular notes or intervals on a musical instrument, caused either by the instrument's construction or by divergence from equal temperament.
(usu. wolf something down)
devour (food) greedily.
cry wolf raise repeated false alarms, so that a real cry for help is ignored.
[with allusion to the fable of the shepherd boy who deluded people with false cries of ‘Wolf!’]
(or have)
a wolf by the ears be in a precarious position.
keep the wolf from the door have enough money to avert hunger or destitution.
throw someone to the wolves sacrifice someone so as to avert trouble for oneself.
a wolf in sheep's clothing a person who appears friendly but is really hostile.
[with biblical allusion to Matt. 7:15.]