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Teens charged with attempted murder for pet shop attack


The victim is in a coma following the attack, suspected to be a mafia-style hit

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Two teens have been charged with attempted murder after allegedly attacking a man at a pet shop in June.

The 24-year-old victim is surnamed Lin (林) and has been in a coma following the attack. Police and prosecutors said the two men, surnamed Zhang (張) and Chen (陳), who live in Yilan County received instructions from an unidentified individual to attack Lin, an employee at the pet store, reported UDN.

On June 24, Zhang and Chen, aged 18 and 19, visited the pet store in Yuanlin City. They instigated an argument with Lin accusing him of poor customer service before leaving the store.

After 7 p.m. on June 25, the pair returned to the pet store. They pepper sprayed Lin, also affecting the store manager and a female employee.

The assailants then struck Lin with a machete and a hammer, causing him to lose consciousness before using a machete to sever Lin's arm. Chen then reportedly made a phone call to inform the unidentified individual that their mission had been completed, cleared his call records, and reset his phone to destroy the evidence.

Hoping to lessen his punishment, Chen called the police to report the incident. However, because the police had already received a report from the store manager, Chen's report did not qualify as surrender.

Prosecutors believe there was no prior relationship between the two defendants and the victim. They suggested the pair was ordered to carry out a mafia-style hit.

The pair denied they had been tasked to carry out the attack and showed no remorse. As such prosecutors have included charges of attempted murder, assault, property damage, and intimidation.

The prosecution argued that there is a risk of evidence tampering, collusion, and flight, and has requested the defendants remain in custody pending trial.

The attack left Lin in a coma with a severe head injury, and his arm could not be reattached. He remains in a coma today.
Sam Howard, Taiwan News  


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