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NT$6,000 tax rebate will be accessible via 80% of Taiwan's ATMs


Inter-ministerial panel discusses methods for distribution to vulnerable communities

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Nearly 80% of Taiwan’s ATMs will provide access to the planned NT$6,000 (US$199.71) tax rebate, according to the Ministry for Digital Affairs (MODA).

In the Thursday (Feb. 2) release MODA said the rebate would be especially beneficial to vulnerable and low income communities. It is considering methods to directly deposit the funds into the accounts of the members of these communities without needing to register first.

MODA said that disadvantaged groups in rural communities should also share in the nation’s economic gains. The release said that methods other than online registration and ATM deposits were discussed, addressing concerns about rural populations without access to these options.

According to the Financial Supervisory Commission, Shihzih Township, Pingtung County, and Wanrung Township, Hualien County do not have post offices for in-person collection of the surplus, but do have ATMs. Jinfong Township, Taitung County is the only township in the country that does not have an ATM or a post office.

MODA said the Cabinet is discussing a method to distribute the surplus in these areas, and that a decision regarding this will be made shortly.

On Jan. 4 the government announced it would distribute NT$140 billion out of last year's surplus tax revenue to the public. Premier Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) said on Jan. 31 that he expects the tax rebate will be issued by April at the earliest.
Jonathon Thomson, Taiwan News, Contributing Writer  


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