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All Taiwan's local COVID cases mild or asymptomatic over past 20 days

過去 20 天內所有台灣本土 新冠 病例均為輕度或無症狀病例

None of 166 cases diagnosed in Taiwan since Jan. 3 have experienced serious symptoms: CDC official

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — All recently diagnosed local COVID-19 cases have been asymptomatic or experienced only cold-like symptoms, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Deputy Director-General Philip Lo (羅一鈞), who is also deputy chief of the Central Epidemic Command Center’s (CECC) medical response division, said on Saturday (Jan. 22).

There have been 166 local cases since a janitor at Taoyuan International Airport was diagnosed on Jan. 3.

Among those cases, none have experienced severe symptoms, Lo said, adding that 46 have been asymptomatic and that 120 have had light symptoms, CNA reported.

According to the CDC official, preliminary investigations revealed that the most common symptoms among these patients were a sore throat (55%), followed by a cough (42%), fever (27%), and runny nose (15%) —symptoms also caused by the common cold. Some of the cases reportedly thought they had a cold before being diagnosed, per CNA.
George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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