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Kaohsiung Light Rail expansion progresses


City adding 3 new stations to transit system

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The new Kaohsiung Light Rail section from C17-C20 has conditionally passed the first stage of the trials conducted by the city government’s initial inspection committee.

According to the Kaohsiung Transportation Bureau’s news release on Friday (Oct. 22), improvements for the new section handed out by the committee will have to be made by the end of October in preparation for a final inspection by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, CNA reported.

Kaohsiung Deputy Mayor Charles Lin (林欽榮) said the future operation of the new section from C17 (Gushan District Office Station) to C20 (TRA Museum of Fine Arts Station) will increase the number of operational light rail stations from 23 to 26 and extend the line to 14.7 kilometers. When the new section becomes operational, light rail passengers will be able to transfer to Taiwan Railway trains at the Museum of Fine Arts Station.

Transportation Bureau Director-General Chang Shu-chuan (張淑娟) said the bureau will push the city’s Mass Rapid Transit Bureau and Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corp to complete the required improvements as soon as possible.

According to an earlier report by UDN, the city was aiming for the new section to be open for traffic by the end of the year.

The completed circular Kaohsiung Light Rail line will be 22.1 kilometers with 37 stations, according to the bureau. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) said the entire circular light rail system will be completed in 2023.
George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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