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Taiwanese entertainer Alien Huang dies at age 36


Taiwanese celebrity Alien Huang found dead in his Taipei apartment

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese celebrity Alien Huang (黃鴻升) died suddenly of unknown causes at the age of 36 on Wednesday (Sept. 16).

At 11 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the Taipei Fire Department received a report that the body of a man in his 30s had been found in an apartment on Sanhe Street in Taipei City's Beitou District. When paramedics arrived on the scene, they found Huang on the floor, evidently having been dead for some time.

Police say that Huang's death appears to have been caused by an accident in his bathroom, reported UDN. According to an initial police investigation, Huang returned to his residence at 7 p.m. on Tuesday evening (Sept. 15) and did not venture out again.

Police received a call from his father at 11:27 a.m. on Wednesday morning that he was found to be unresponsive. Huang was initially found to be lying face down on his bathroom floor with a small amount of blood having issued from his nose and mouth, reported CNA.

Officers found no drugs or alcohol containers at the scene, nor did they see any signs of fighting or intrusion by other parties. The preliminary assessment is that Huang died suddenly, but the detailed cause of death is currently under investigation.

Huang, also known as Xiao Gui (小鬼, Little Ghost), was a singer, actor, TV host, illustrator, and fashion designer. He made his debut at the age of 18 with the boy band HC3 in 2002, before joining the boy band Cosmo.

After leaving the boy bands behind, Huang began acting in films, and in 2006 started a 10-year stint as a host of the Taiwanese variety show "100% Entertainment." In 2015 he was nominated for a Golden Bell Award and in recent years began co-hosting other programs such as "Mr. Player."

Huang was the founder and designer of the clothing brand AES (Alien Evolution Studio). He had also published three illustrated books.

The following music video is for his hit single "Point One Percent" from the album "Make Sense."
Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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