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Vietnamese worker kills 2, wounds 1 in S. Taiwan stabbing


Vietnamese migrant worker fatally stabs 2, wounds 1 in drunken rage in S. Taiwan

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Vietnamese migrant worker fatally stabbed two countrymen and injured one woman in a drunken rage on Wednesday night (Jan. 15).

At 10 p.m. on Wednesday night, a 35-year-old Vietnamese male, surnamed Phi (斐), fatally stabbed two fellow workers and injured one of their spouses during a heated argument after a night of drinking at a worker's dormitory in Tainan City's Madou Industrial Park. The assailant and the victims were all employees of the same company.

The victims were identified as a 31-year-old man surnamed Hoang (黃), Hoang's 28-year-old brother-in-law surnamed Vu (武). Vu's wife, who is Hoang's cousin and shares the same surname, was injured in the assault, reported Liberty Times.

Some employees allege that Phi went out for drinks at 9 p.m. When he returned, witnesses said he was in an intoxicated state and that he started a heated argument with Hoang.

Police cordon in front of dorm. (Tainan City Police Bureau photo)

Phi allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and threw it at Hoang, but missed. A number of workers then rushed forward to calm Phi down, and he headed back to his dorm room to rest.

However, Hoang was still enraged and called up Vu to go with him to Phi's dorm room. The three began to fight each other, but coworkers rushed in to break them up in an attempt to prevent the incident from escalating further.

When Hoang and Vu turned their backs and walked away, Phi grabbed a kitchen knife and chased after them.

Wall that Phi climbed over. (Tainan City Police Bureau photo)

Phi first allegedly stabbed Vu in the back in a hallway on the second floor of the dormitory, according to the report. Vu collapsed on the spot.

Meanwhile, Hoang fled to a female dormitory where his cousin lives. Suddenly, Phi kicked down the door of the room and slashed him on the right side of his neck, severing an artery and causing blood to spurt onto Phi's body.

Hoang's cousin then tried to come to his aid and suffered a laceration to her right hand. After attacked Hoang and his cousin, Phi leaped over a two-meter-high wall that was caped with concertina wire and fled the scene on foot, reported UDN.

Phi lying on the ground after collapsing from exhaustion. (Tainan City Police Bureau photo)

After being alerted to the assault, Madou police arrived on the scene, collected the murder weapon, and rushed Vu and Hoang to the hospital. However, both men perished before they reached the hospital, and Hoang's cousin was treated for minor wounds, according to the report.

Phi returned to a grassy area outside the dormitory's wall at 11 p.m. as police sent 30 officers to search for him. At 12 p.m., police were able to chase Phi down, who collapsed from exhaustion and was sent to the Madou Sin-Lau Hospital for treatment.
Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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