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National Geographic exhibition spotlights Taiwan


Taiwan serious about promoting environmentally friendly farming: Council of Agriculture vice minister

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — National Geographic magazine has joined Taiwan's Council of Agriculture (COA) in holding an exhibition shedding light on Taiwan’s efforts to promote sustainable agriculture.

The exhibition at National Taiwan University, which runs until Dec. 29, features the under-forest economy, the national eco-network, and organic and circular agriculture. Visitors will be able to learn more about what the country has achieved in promoting environmentally friendly agriculture through the stories behind the photographs.

Ecological farming has become increasingly in vogue around the world at a time when global warming, water pollution, water scarcity, and food and energy shortages are taking a toll on the industry, said COA Vice Minister Chen Junne-jih (陳駿季). Events like this help raise public awareness on the importance of the balance of nature and sustainability, he reckoned.

According to Chen, Taiwan has implemented a number of incentives and subsidies to encourage eco-farming. Under this policy, land used for organic and eco-friendly farming comprises a combined area of 12,194 hectares, or 1.5 percent of the total, Chen pointed out.

Visit the exhibition website to learn more.
Huang Tzu-ti, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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