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World Animal Day marked by art show at Bopiliao Historical Block


Large-scale and interactive art installations from two Taiwan architects draw attention to animal care

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In response to World Animal Day, an ongoing exhibition showcases large-scale interactive art installations of Taiwanese architects at Bopiliao Historical Block, in Taipei’s Wanhua District, until Sept. 18.

The exhibition is curated by Small as Big Company and Help Save a Pet Fund Taiwan to draw attention to animal care. The art installations are interactive and visitors are welcome to take a good look around and explore, according to the curator, Simone Liu.

Jay Chiu (邱文傑) and Huang Hui-mei (黃惠美), two Taiwanese architects, created the large-scale artworks to coincide with World Animal Day. Chiu’s work is a huge white ball and is called, “Relieving the Stress,” while Huang’s work is titled “Home.”

Huang’s work is immersive, made of bamboo and aims to create a path that symbolizes the way home. Huang said looking from above the work represents “shelter” for both humans and animals.

In addition, there was a talk, “You Are Where You Live,” between Huang and another architect, Roan Ching-Yueh, which took place on Sunday (Sept. 8). The forum, "You Are What You See", will take place on Sunday (Sept. 14), also at Bopiliao Historical Block.

Visit the website for more information. World Animal Day takes place on Friday, Oct. 4, and is intended to raise the status of animals to improve welfare standards worldwide.

Jay Chiu's work, "Relieving the Stress" (Taiwan News photo)

Huang Hui-mei's "Home" (Taiwan News photo)
Lyla Liu, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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