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TSMC continues to lead tech market in nano innovation


TSMC CEO sends confident message about company at annual Technology Symposium in Silicon Valley

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) CEO and Vice Chairman C.C. Wei (魏哲家) said in his keynote speech at the 2019 Technology Symposium in Santa Clara, the company continues to lead the semiconductor industry in eight categories, including seven nano-MPIs (Nano-Mass Production Innovations).

The semiconductor foundry opened its 25th North America Technology Symposium at the Santa Clara Convention Center on Tuesday (April 23), in California. Wei said TSMC is a reliable supplier that has always been eager to work with clients on innovation.

Wei showcased TSMC’s accomplishments over the past two years, including being the first to mass-produce circuits that use advanced, integrated fan-out on substrate package technology (先進整合型扇出暨基板封裝技術), in 2017.

TSMC remains on top of the world’s nano technology market, Wei said in a press statement. It is the first manufacturer to be certified for embedding MRAM technology at 22nm (22奈米嵌入式MRAM技術驗證), and to develop finger print detecting technology on optic screens (光學式螢幕下指紋感測器技術).

Along with other nano innovations, this has made TSMC capable of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into more services, reported Central News Agency.
Iris Hsu, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter  


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