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Taipei welcomes sustainability experts at 2018 International Conference for a Circular Economy


The conference commenced during the morning of Oct. 17

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — On Wednesday, Oct. 17 the Evergreen International Conference Center hosted the 2018 International Conference of Integrate and Innovative Solutions for a Circular Economy.

Taiwan’s CTCI Foundation, in association with Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy and Center for Corporate Sustainability, produced the event, which revolved around four major themes, including developing green technology for a circular economy and promoting green economy business models.

Chairman Eugene Chien (簡又新) thanked the organizers and foreign guests for making their way to Taipei in order to attend the conference. He went on to highlight Taiwan’s substantive progress in waste reduction over the past 30 years.

Representative of the Netherlands Trade & Investment Office, Guy Wittich, noted that Taiwan has made huge strides towards facilitating a circular economy over the past few years. He commented, however, that the government also ought to put both incentives and legal restrictions in place to ensure big industry gets in line with Taiwan’s goals.

The representative noted that the Netherlands is looking to implement legislation to restrict the use of new materials in production. He suggested that Taiwan think more about working multilaterally with other states to implement circular economy strategy. He further expressed hope that Dutch experts in the field can be in attendance next year.

Over 100 industry experts, academics and political representatives attended today’s event.
Ryan Drillsma, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter  


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