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American 3D-printed gun maker Cody Wilson on run in Taiwan from sexual assault charges

美國3D 列印槍枝教父 Cody Wilson 遭控性侵逃到台灣

American 3D-printed gun activist Cody Wilson is hiding out in Taiwan after being charged with sexually assaulting underage girl

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- American 3D-printed gun activist Cody Wilson has apparently opted to stay in Taiwan after learning that he was under investigation for the alleged sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl.

Wilson, 30, was charged yesterday in by Austin, Texas court for the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl, who he met online, according to a court affidavit released by KUVE TV Austin reporter Tony Plohetski. Austin Police say that Wilson's last known whereabouts were Taipei, Taiwan and he has skipped his flight back to the U.S., after apparently being tipped off about being investigated for the sexual assault case.

Austin Police Department (APD) Commander Troy Officer told the media, "We know Mr. Wilson frequently travels for business. We don't know why he went to Taiwan, but we do know that he was informed that he was being investigated."

Cody Wilson. (Associated Press image)

According to the court affidavit, released in full by Ars Technica, Wilson started communicating with a 16-year-old girl on the website SugarDaddyMeet.com while using the screen name "Sanjuro." They then exchanged phone numbers and began communicating through Apple iMessage, and during a conversation Wilson used his actual name "Cody Wilson" and described himself as a "big deal."

Not knowing who he was, the victim searched his name on the internet and discovered a great deal of publicity covering his legal battles over 3D-printed guns. During their correspondence, Wilson allegedly sent images of his penis and she stated that she sent a picture of herself naked.

The two arranged to meet in the parking lot of a coffee shop on Aug. 15 in Austin and the two left in a Black Ford Edge registered to Wilson. The two then went to the Archer Hotel, and once inside they allegedly engaged in sexual intercourse and oral sex in the hotel room's bed.

The victim said that Wilson then paid her US$500 dollars, before taking her to a Whataburger restaurant. The victim eventually told her counselor about the incident, who then reported it to the APD.

One of Wilson's 3D-printed guns. (Associated Press image)

Police found extensive evidence from the victim's phone and surveillance footage that corroborated all of the major details of her testimony. On Sept. 19, Wilson was officially charged with violating Texas Penal Code, Sec. 22.011(a)(2)(A) sexual assault, which is a second degree felony.

Unlike the U.S., where sex with a person under the age of 18 is automatically classified as statutory rape, the age of consent in Taiwan is 16.

Taiwan and the U.S. do not have an extradition treaty, but they do have a mutual legal assistance agreement (MLA). The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) told Taiwan News that they are currently investigating the case.

Cody has gained notoriety for his legal battles with the U.S. State Department over his releasing of free blueprints online for 3D-printed guns, which can pass unnoticed through metal detectors. Cody also created the controversial crowd funding site Hatreon, which has drawn neo-Nazis and is described by Heidi Beirich, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project as "very important to the financial functioning of the white supremacist movement."

U.S. Marshals released the following wanted poster for Wilson's capture:

(US Marshals)

(Image from Tony Plohetski's Twitter @tplohetski)
Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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