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Heavy rain improves water situation in southern Taiwan


Recent heavy rain has increased Tainan County’s water reserves by 27 days, may lead to easing of water restrictions

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Heavy rain that swept across southern Taiwan as part of a tropical depression on June 13-17 has improved the water situation in southern Taiwan, leading to a review of water restrictions in place for Tainan County (臺南縣), reported CNA.

Deputy Director of the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs (經濟部水利署) Wang I-feng (王藝峰) said the rainfall was "helpful" to the overall water situation in southern Taiwan.

The Water Resources Agency said that between June 13-17, 14 million tons of water flowed to the Zengwen Dam (曾文壩) and Wushantou Reservoir (烏山頭水庫) in southern Taiwan.

The Nanhua Reservoir (南化水庫) in Tainan also received an estimated inflow of 11 million tons of water.

In a practical sense, the heavy rain of the past week has improved Tainan County's water reserves by 27 days.

Wang said the effect of this improved water supply on water restrictions in Tainan will be considered this week.

He added a comprehensive review will be undertaken to consider if there is sufficient water supply to meet the demands of industry and agriculture.

Tainan City currently has first-stage water restrictions in place, while Kaohsiung City (高雄市), Taoyuan City (桃園市) and Linkou District (林口區) of New Taipei City (新北) have imposed less severe restrictions.

More rain is expected to fall on Tuesday, June 19.
Scott Morgan, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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