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Penghu Ocean Fireworks Festival kicks off with a range of shows


The festival will go on until June 21

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Penghu's annual International Fireworks Festival opens with a varied range of events including an air show and a religious procession on Thursday, according to the organizers of the show.

The annual firework festival will run for two long months starting from Thursday until June 21 and will feature a total of 23 firework events, not just within the capital Magong, but all around the island. This year's festival will be grander than any of the previous years with the air drills and religious processions.

The Penghu County Government announced on Thursday that the event would include four Indigenous Defense Fighters (IDFs) flying in coordination over the Guanyinting Recreation Area in Magong City on the main Penghu Island, as reported by the Central News Agency (CNA).

The report also suggested religious processions of 23 palanquins with statues of gods will be featured throughout the festival.

It has certainly become a spectacular scene that lights up the evening sky over the isles that people look forward to seeing every summer. The first Festival took place in 2003 and invited well-known Taiwanese singers and performing groups to entertain.
Juvina Lai, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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