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Taiwanese commentator Wang Rui-de thanks Japan for quake rescue efforts


Taiwanese commentator shows sign thanking Japan for his assistance with Hualien Earthquake outside Japanese 7-Eleven

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Famous Taiwanese TV commentator Wang Rui-de (王瑞德) yesterday (Feb. 12) afternoon on his Facebook page announced that he will carry a sign sign reading "Taiwan thanks Japan" throughout his travels in Japan to express "Thanks for a true good friend!"

In order to thank Taiwan for its assistance after the 2011 T hoku earthquake over the years many Japanese tourists have carried signs saying "Thank you Taiwan" when they traveled to the county. Following last week's Hualien Earthquake, Japan returned the favor by sending seven rescue experts and many netizens have been expressing their gratitude.

Wang added, "We helped them once, they've help us again and again, thank you Japan!" Thus far, over 110,000 Japanese have donated over 150 million yen (US$1,380,000), and donations are still coming in, reported Apple Daily.

Taiwanese recognize that Japan is concerned about the Hualien Earthquake, "This is what is called a family! It is the one who gives when people are drowning and starving that is the true gentleman," wrote Wang.

In his post, Wang included a photo of himself squatting in front of a 7-Eleven holding a sign reading "Taiwan arigato (Japanese for thanks) xiexie (Chinese for thanks) Thanks Japan," which he plans to take throughout his travels in Japan to express gratitude for Japan's assistance with the last week's deadly quake.

Sign reads "Taiwan arigato xiexie Thanks Japan." (Image from Wang Rui-de Facebook page)

Sign reads "Taiwan arigato xiexie Thanks Japan." (Image from Wang Rui-de Facebook page)
Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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