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Taiwanese sculptor brings dogs 'to life' for Lunar New Year


Yunlin artist honors Year of the dog with newspaper and clay

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Yunlin County sculptor, Tang Wen-jen (唐偉仁), has captured the hearts of locals with his lifelike canine busts made from newspaper.

Inspired by his passion for raising dogs and as a nod to the figurehead of the coming Lunar Year, Tang has created several auspicious sculptures of different dog breeds including Doberman, Dachshund, Shiba Inu, Akita, and the American bulldog, said NTDTV.

(Image from 唐偉仁 Facebook)

Most startling to his neighbors was a full-size, lifelike reproduction of Little Red (小紅), his former pet Dachshund who passed away two years ago. The sculpture was as if Little Red had been reincarnated, according to Liberty Times.

(Image from 唐偉仁 Facebook)

Tang first creates a foundation out of newspaper and once dry covers the base layer with clay, adding fine details with small instruments, according to Liberty Times.

(Image from 唐偉仁 Facebook)

Tang is a self-taught artist who began winning awards in drawing, illustration, and sculpting contests from a young age. He put his creative prowess to civil use by transforming run-down community landmarks into beautiful landscapes. This year, his community, Da-pi Township (大埤西鎮社區), is in the running for the Taiwan’s most beautiful rural community.
Renee Salmonsen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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