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Taiwan aims to supply food for the Olympic Village at Tokyo Games in 2020


The Council of Agricultural is currently analyzing what Taiwan can offer the Olympic athletes

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – In addition to seeing talented athletes represent their country at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Taiwan is also hoping to be a supplier of agricultural products to support the Athlete’s Village during the international sporting competition.

UDN reports that the Preparatory Committee for the Olympics in 2020 is already outlining the food demands that will need to be met at the Olympic villages, and they are also scouting for potential suppliers.

Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA) has reportedly been working hard in anticipation of being a major supplier of food products to Japan, and the athletes, during the Olympic games in 2020.

While Japan generally relies on its agricultural products from its domestic market and from China, it has been seeking to expand its range of suppliers in recent years, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East.

In light of the strict nutritional requirements for the meals that will be provided for athletes, the committee has published a detailed list of specifications that must be met. The COA is currently analyzing the list, and intends to approach the committee with an offer to provide a number of the necessary items for the 2020 games, reports UDN.

The COA hopes that Taiwan will be a primary provider of fresh agricultural products like mangos, bananas, soybeans, and a number of other fruits and vegetables, as well as seafood. Taiwanese food companies are also at the forefront of technology involving dried fruit, which can produce very healthy snacks, that should serve the athletes well.

There is also a Tokyo Food Fair upcoming in March, where the COA aims to showcase an impressive sample of the high quality food products that Taiwan has to offer, to both Japanese consumers as well as the Olympic Preparatory Committee.
Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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