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Taiwan's foreign professional 'Gold Card' online application form goes live


Foreign professional 'Employment Gold Card' online application form has been launched

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- A new English language online form which enables foreign professionals to apply for the new "Employment Gold Card" was officially launched today (Feb. 8), announced the National Immigration Agency.

On Oct. 31, Taiwan’s Legislature passed the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent (外國專業人才延攬及僱用法) in an bid to attract and retain more international professionals in the country. Among the 10 new incentives included with the law, qualified foreign professionals now have the option of applying for a four-in-one "Employment Gold Card" (就業金卡), which includes a work permit, residence visa, alien residency permit and re-entry permit.

The Employment Gold Card is valid for one to three years and those who are qualified can reapply before the expiration date of the current gold card.

Added benefits for qualified holders of the card include discounted income tax and their children can apply for visitor visas valid for one year with multiple entries, and a stay period up to 6 months which can be extended prior to the expiry date. The total amount of days of stay cannot be longer than 1 year.

There is also a Chinese language version of the website, and in addition to other foreign nationals, Hong Kong and Macau residents are also eligible to apply for the new gold card.

Those wishing to apply for the new Employment Gold Card can do so by visiting the official Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform.
Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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