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Bicycles form pink ribbon to raise breast cancer awareness in Taiwan


Disease most common cancer among Taiwanese women for 19 consecutive years

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Formosa Cancer Foundation organized a bicycle event to raise awareness about breast cancer screening, forming a giant pink ribbon with about 100 bicycles.

The bicycling event encouraged breast cancer patients and their families to participate. It aimed to help patients relax and alleviate stress and depression.

Breast cancer has been the most common cancer among Taiwanese women for 19 consecutive years. According to the latest cancer registry report, an average of 42 women are diagnosed with breast cancer daily, while about nine die from the disease.

Regular mammograms can lead to early detection and treatment. This results in a nearly 100% five-year survival rate, according to foundation Deputy CEO Tsai Li-Juan (蔡麗娟).

However, delayed screening can lead to stage 4 cancer. Five-year survival rate will also drop to 39.4%.

Regular mammograms can also reduce late-stage breast cancer incidence by 30% and mortality by 41%. Middle-aged women aged 45 to 49 are at highest risk, with an incidence rate of 213 cases per 100,000 women.

The foundation recommended five steps to help prevent breast cancer. Steps include consuming fruits and vegetables daily, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding late childbirth, undergoing regular breast cancer screening, and staying away from cigarettes and tobacco prodcucts.
Charlotte Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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