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Director Ang Lee first Taiwanese recipient of Japan's Praemium Imperiale award


Japan’s 'Nobel Prize for the Arts' sees Taiwanese and Colombian laureates for first time

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Director Ang Lee (李安) has become the first Taiwanese to win the Praemium Imperiale award, often referred to as Japan’s “Nobel Prize for the Arts.”

The award ceremony will be held Tuesday (Nov. 19). This year marks a historic milestone, as artists from Taiwan and Colombia will be honored for the first time, per CNA.

Lee is a two-time Academy Award winner for Best Director for his films “Brokeback Mountain” and “Life of Pi.” He expressed his surprise and gratitude at receiving the award, acknowledging the profound influence of Japanese cinema on the global film industry, particularly on Asian filmmakers.

A film truly comes alive when it's projected onto the screen and experienced by an audience, Lee said. The collective interpretation elevates a film beyond its individual components.

Lee expressed humility at being recognized for his work. He emphasized his role as a servant to the art of filmmaking.

An international advisory board chose the winners. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Italian Prime Minister Lamberto Dini, and former German cultural institute President Klaus-Dieter Lehmann were on the board.

Joining Lee as laureates were French artist Sophie Calle for painting, Colombian artist Doris Salcedo for sculpture, Japanese architect Shigeru Ban for architecture, and Portuguese-Swiss pianist Maria Joao Pires for music.

The Praemium Imperiale was established by the Japan Art Association in 1988. The award recognizes outstanding achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and theater.
Charlotte Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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