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Foreign ministry to form interministerial carbon credit task force


MOFA will work with Ministry of Environment to seek global carbon credit cooperation

TAIWAN (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is forming a task force on carbon credit development in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, according to a MOFA report.

The new group will conduct detailed research on domestic and international carbon credit regulations, transnational carbon trading systems, and the potential for carbon credit development in allied nations, per CNA. The task force aims to build global partnerships in new energy and carbon credit initiatives.

Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) noted in the report that by advancing values-based and economic diplomacy, Taiwan seeks to establish democratic ties and reinforce the first island chain to counter authoritarianism. He highlighted Taiwan's strengths in digital technology and economic trade as a foundation for achieving this goal. MOFA has integrated resources across ministries—including technology, capital, and talent—to promote prosperity and create jobs for allied nations and like-minded countries, Lin said.

Lin also mentioned that Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) recently organized a semiconductor and AI delegation to visit Paraguay and Guatemala, along with a 5G network and cybersecurity delegation to Belize and Guatemala. Taiwan hopes to collaborate with the US to promote trusted 5G networks and enhance cybersecurity cooperation in the future.

Relationships with like-minded countries have deepened, with growing support for Taiwan’s participation in global affairs, Lin added.
Kelvin Chen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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