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Taiwan's Chiayi trials turkey-themed pedestrian crossings


Crossing lights feature local specialty created by Chiayi youth and local company

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Chiayi’s transport authority said on Thursday (Oct. 3) that it is trialing pedestrian traffic signals featuring depictions of turkeys and a local dish in the city to improve pedestrian safety and liven up the urban environment.

Chiayi City Government Transport Bureau issued a press release that said the turkey-themed lights have been installed at intersections on five roads. The bureau said the LED representations of turkeys, and the area’s specialty turkey rice dish, are intended to encourage pedestrians to look up from their phones while waiting to cross the road by making the lights more eye-catching.

The idea for the turkey lights came from a project created at the Chiayi Youth Lab (有事青年實驗室), a city government initiative that aims to engage young people in civic projects. Three youths named Chen Chang-i (陳長毅), Yeh Hui-hsuan (葉蕙瑄), and Wang I-hsuan (王薏瑄) collaborated with Shang Cheng Technology Company (尚正科技公司) to create the lights, the bureau said.

The novelty pedestrian crossings have been installed at intersections on the city’s Wenhua, Minzu, Zhongzheng, and Guanghua Roads, as well as on Xingzhong Street. The turkey and rice dish lights are accompanied by regular pedestrian traffic signals to ensure they comply with national regulations, the bureau said.
Jono Thomson, Taiwan News, Staff Writer  


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