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Taipei to hold three week celebration of art


Diverse performances take over everyday spaces in 2024 Taipei Fringe Festival

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taipei's vibrant summer arts festival, the 2024 Taipei Fringe Festival, starts on Aug. 24.

The three-week festival runs until Sept. 8, featuring 145 teams performing at 35 venues. A total of 617 performances are expected.

The Taipei Fringe Festival serves as a platform for emerging artists to develop their craft and showcase their talents. The festival's openness and diversity create a welcoming environment for artistic exploration.

This year's theme is "Standby, go!" It is a theatrical term that emphasizes the festival's ability to transform everyday spaces into unexpected stages for artistic encounters

Performance Highlights

Cuatro/Char by Lu Lee (李律) and Wanda Chiu (邱琬筑)

This piece combines flamenco and classical dances from northern India. Performers Lu Lee and Wanda Chiu find common ground between the two styles through rhythm and beat.

Chiu describes the work as "handcrafting," a deliberate exploration of the roots and culture of both dances. The performance aims to communicate their passion and expertise to the audience.


“ROTATE.05,” a young group, will present their work “GOODBYE & MEET AGAIN” at this year's Taipei Fringe Festival. The performance combines visual exhibitions with movement, featuring strings embedded with the group's diabolos, everyday objects, and photographs displayed in their venue, the Guling Street Avant-garde Theater.

The show explores the concept of self-discovery in the age of social media. Through the performance, audiences are invited to wave goodbye to their personas and reconnect with their authentic selves.

If I had an elder brother

Actor Lai Hao-zhe (賴澔哲) makes his directorial debut with the play “If I had an elder brother,” a collaboration with his sister Lai An-ni (賴安妮). The play marks a return to the stage for Lai An-ni, a nurse and former dance student, fulfilling a long-held dream.

The title holds personal significance for the siblings, drawing on a phrase Lai An-ni used during their childhood arguments. "We used to fight as kids, and she'd say, 'If I had an elder brother,'" Lai Hao-zhe recalled.


Seven new dance plays exploring themes of authenticity and freedom will be performed by Duck Art Studio. Renowned Austrian artist Chris Wang (王翌熠) and dancers Wang Heng (王珩) and Lin Ching-lan (林靖嵐) collaborated on the choreography.
Charlotte Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter  


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