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Auckland University of Technology


(紐西蘭)奧克蘭理工大學(創校於1895年,前身為奧克蘭技術學校(Auckland Technical School),2000年使用現名,位於紐西蘭北島西北岸港口城市奧克蘭,官方網址:www.aut.ac.nz)


The Auckland University of Technology (AUT) (Māori: Te Wananga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau) is the newest university in New Zealand. It was formed on 1 January 2000 when the Auckland Institute of Technology was granted university status. Its primary campus is on Wellesley Street in Auckland's Central business district (CBD). AUT has two secondary campuses one is at Akoranga on the North Shore and the other campus is in Manukau.


AUT was originally founded as Auckland Technical School in 1895, offering evening classes only. Daytime classes began in 1906 and its name was changed to Auckland Technical College. In 1913 it was renamed Seddon Memorial Technical College. In the early 1960s educational reforms resulted in the separation of secondary and tertiary teaching; two educational establishments were formed; the tertiary (polytechnic) adopting the name Auckland Technical Institute (ATI) in 1963 and the secondary school continuing with the same name. For three years they co-existed on the same site, but by 1964 the secondary school had moved to a new site in Western Springs and eventually became Western Springs College. In 1989 ATI became Auckland Institute of Technology (AIT), and the current name was adopted when university status was granted in 2000.

University population

In 2006 AUT had 22,000 students. A significant proportion were studying Bachelors degree or above (64.2%) and were full-time (64%), giving a total of 15,382 full time equivalent students. Approximately 2,980 international students attended the university in 2006. In 2006 there were 942 full time equivalent academic staff and 828 full time equivalent administrative and support staff.

General information

The process through which AUT was recognised as a university was controversial, as (for instance) it had an inadequate library at the time, and some students were given access to the University of Auckland's library as a stopgap measure. AUT's library grew rapidly and its size was not a significant factor with respect to the disciplines in which AUT taught and researched.[citation needed]

Despite controversial beginnings, the university is now well established. It promotes itself as an advocate of innovative approaches to teaching, learning and research. In particular its focus is on providing a pragmatic 'real world' approach, ensuring excellence in learning, teaching and developing outstanding graduates for practice in their chosen fields. In practice this reflects the continuing survival of vocational type courses and an emphasis upon student development towards employment. For this reason links with employers continue to be fostered.

AUT claims that it maintains very high levels of graduate employment in comparison to other NZ universities.[citation needed]

Since becoming a university, AUT has invested heavily in infrastructure, staffing and programmes. It is half way through its $245 million building programme on both the Wellesley and Akoranga Campuses. Since 2000, new engineering, design, library, and business buildings have been constructed.




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