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I-Mei holds the first-ever direct hiring of Filipino workers in Davao


It is the very first direct hiring event ever held in Davao by Taiwan's I-Mei Foods

DAVAO (Taiwan News) -- A series of direct hiring orientations and interviews held by I-Mei Foods Co. took place on Tuesday and Wednesday in the southern Philippine city of Davao on the island of Mindanao, attracting local talent who are seeking new opportunities.

To carry out corporate social responsibility, I-Mei Foods decided to approach the direct hiring of Filipino workers to spare them the burden of hefty brokerage fees. It is also Taiwan's very first direct hiring event held in Davao.

As most of the recruiting events were held in Manila before, talent from Mindanao were less inclined to take part since they would have to travel all the way to the capital in the north of the country and transportation expenses can be quite costly.

I-Mei CEO Luis Ko decided to setup a foothold in Davao by hosting a two-day recruiting event, hoping to offer job opportunities to the southern islanders.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who want to work in Taiwan normally have to find a job through broker agencies because they cannot find those job openings on their own. They are often asked to pay a hefty broker fee in advance before going to Taiwan.

Taiwanese brokers usually collaborate with their Filipino counterparts to hold the recruiting events and charge the applicants for administrative fees and even hidden fees. Workers may need to take out high-interest loans or borrow money from the recruitment agencies to pay the fees.

According to Jack Cheng, the Advisor of I-Mei Foods International Recruitment, the company is planning to hire two hundred Filipino workers during the recruitment drive and there will be another two days of recruiting events held in Manila on Friday and Saturday.

The interview procedure includes measuring a candidate's height, a physical, and a face-to-face interview. The applicants praised I-Mei for being considerate and compassionate. Most of the applicants expressed their excitement after watching the company's promotional video and said they are eager to join the I-mei company.
Maggie Huang, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter  


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