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'Find your daily art' at Taipei exhibition


Combining artworks with such products as toothbrushes and mirrors enables people to encounter art in their daily lives

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — People visiting the ongoing Taipei IN Style fashion exhibition may be surprised to see a booth showcasing colorful toothbrushes and mirrors standing among other fashion items, but CHOPSTICKS is a project founded by a group of Japanese to bring art to people's lives.

"Basically our concept is to find your daily art," said Hisayuki Tanaka, representative of the project.

The purpose of combining artworks with such products as toothbrushes and mirrors is that people can encounter a little bit of art in their daily lives.

We want art to be accessible to everyone since artworks nowadays have become too expensive and unaffordable for most people.

Tanaka said they have a creative director in the team who is also a photographer and an artist. He has a network of artists, so he is responsible for choosing the artists the team works with.

"Usually we choose underground artists with a good prospect in the future," said Tanaka.

Yet some of the artists had already been famous before we collaborated with them, including Tadaomi Shibuya, who had collaborated with Givenchy, and Maki Kahori, who used to work with Adobe, added Tanaka.

Tanaka said in addition to eight Japanese artists, they have also started to collaborate with foreign artists such as Jinle (朱金樂) from China.

Apart from allowing people to access artworks, we would also like to convey a message, said Tanaka. That is, an art product is different from a design product in that the former is more about the story and ideas of an artist, while the latter tends to cater to the market.

That is why in our project, every artist is encouraged to express their feelings and "to be selfish," said Tanaka.

The project was initiated last August, but it has since completed four exhibitions in three countries, including New York, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.

For more information, please refer to the website.

Teng Pei-ju, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter  


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