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Dear Susan, I was so honored to come to your graduation ceremony. How long has it been since we last met? As your aunt, I care a great deal about you. I noticed something on this trip. You seemed to have lost a lot of weight, didn't you? How many pounds have you lost? As a doctor, I am worried that you have become so thin. Young people may want to stay slim, but being too thin can lead to lots of health problems. I wonder, is your diet balanced? Do you eat enough vegetables and meat? Here is my advice to you. First, you can use a chart to track your weight. Try to weigh yourself on a daily basis for at least two months. It would be even better for you to go to a dietitian who can help you calculate your ideal body weight. Of course, there are reasons why one might lose weight. Are you eating less? Loss of appetite is a serious problem, which may lead to fatigue and a lack? of energy. If that happens, you won't be able to work well. Go see a doctor if you need to. Your health is more important than your degree. Yours truly, Aunt Dora
